Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas
Jungtinis astronomijos seminaras

Seminaro vadovas -  habil. dr. Antanas BARTKEVIČIUS
Seminaro vadovo pavaduotojas  -  dr. Julius SPERAUSKAS
Seminaro sekretorė  -  dr. Erika PAKŠTIENĖ
Tematika: astronomija
Periodiškumas:  antradieniais 14 val. Vilniuje Goštauto 12, 432 k.
Pranešėjų ir klausytojų kontingentas:  Vilniaus astronomai ir  astronomijos doktorantai, retkarčiais užsienio astronomai.
Detalesnė informacija:
tel. 2613440, el. paštas: bart@itpa.lt,
tel. 2398763, el. paštas julius.sperauskas@ff.vu.lt

Jungtinis astronomų seminaras įvyks vasario 3 d.

<meta content="OpenOffice.org 2.4 (Linux)" name="GENERATOR"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <p style="margin-bottom: 0.5cm;"><font face="moz-fixed"><font size="2" style="font-size: 9pt;">Jungtinis astronomų seminaras įvyks vasario 3 d., antradieni, 14 val. TFAI <br>bibliotekoje. <br><br>Pranešėjas Tarptautines astronomijos olimpiados pirmininkas Michail <br>Garilov. <br><br>Tema: <br><br>"International and affiliated Astronomy Olympiads: history and future". <br><br>Summary: <br><br>The International Astronomy Olympiad is an annual scientific-educating <br>event for students of high school classes - 14-18 years old. The <br>Euro-Asian Astronomical Society founded the IAO in 1996. Starting from <br>4 teams at the 1st event in 1996 the Olympiad extended to more than 20 <br>countries nowadays. Lithuania participated annually since 2003. The <br>Olympiad includes an intellectual competition between these students. <br>The style of the problems of IAO is aimed at developing the <br>imagination, creativity and independent thinking. They stimulate the <br>students to recognize the problem independently, to choose a model, to <br>make necessary suppositions, estimations, to conduct multiway <br>calculations or logic operations. Alongside with the IAO regional <br>Astronomy Olympiads under IAO organized for Asian-Pacific states <br>(APAO, teams are states-based, annually since 2005), former USSR <br>states (teams are town and province based, since 1990, annually since <br>2003), European countries (teams are town and province based, was held <br>in 2003 only, plan to be restarted in 2010). </font></font> </p> </div> <br> <div class="back">« <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">atgal</a></div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vert" style="height: 25px;"> <div class="site"><a href="http://www.tfai.vu.lt/index.php?siteaction=pages.browse&page=aboutsite">Apie TFAI svetainę</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="adr" style="height: 25px;"> <!--Vilniaus universitetas-->Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas, Saulėtekio al. 3, 10257 Vilnius, LIETUVA, tel. +370 5 2234636, faks. +370 5 2234637, <a href="mailto:tfai@tfai.vu.lt">tfai@tfai.vu.lt</a><br> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>