Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas
Jungtinis teorinės fizikos seminaras

Seminaro vadovas:  prof.  habil. dr. Bronislovas KAULAKYS
Tematika: fizikos krypties disertacijų svarstymas, teorinės fizikos aktualūs  klausimai.
Pranešėjų ir klausytojų kontingentas:  Lietuvos tizikai teoretikai, doktorantai bei užsienio svečiai.
Detalesnė informacija: tel. 2193254, el. paštas: bronislovas.kaulakys@tfai.vu.lt

Dr. Gergely Szirmai "Gauge fields emerging from spin liquid states of ultracold atoms"

Kovo 27 dieną (antradienį) 11 val. Konfucijaus Centro saleje (432 k) ivyks Instituto Jungtinis teorinis seminaras. Dr. Gergely Szirmai iš Vengrijos Mokslų akademijos Kieto kūno fizikos ir optikos instituto skaitys pranesima tema: "Gauge fields emerging from spin liquid states of ultracold atoms".

Pranešimo santrauka

Originally, the gauge principle was stated first in the context of electromagnetism, and later it was realized that the weak and thestrong interactions of elementary particles can also be described in this framework. Today gauge theories are used also in condensed matter physics to described disordered systems in general, and especially disordered spin systems. Understanding the behavior of these latter systems can shed some light onto the obscure properties of high temperature superconductors. Even now a lot of effort is being put into the understanding of gauge theories on expensive accelerators and supercomputers.

With the help of ultracold atoms loaded into optical lattices it became possible to realize degenerate magnetic systems. We discuss the possible ground states of such disordered magnetic systems and show how a gauge theory can describe the low energy excitations. This way one can experimentally simulate properties of gauge theories with the help of ultracold atoms on optical lattices.

Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas, Saulėtekio al. 3, 10257 Vilnius, LIETUVA, tel. +370 5 2234636, faks. +370 5 2234637, tfai@tfai.vu.lt