Seminaro vadovas: prof. habil. dr. Bronislovas KAULAKYS
Tematika: fizikos krypties disertacijų svarstymas, teorinės fizikos aktualūs klausimai.
Pranešėjų ir klausytojų kontingentas: Lietuvos tizikai teoretikai, doktorantai bei užsienio svečiai.
Detalesnė informacija: tel. 2193254, el. paštas:
Daniel Campbell (Marylando universitetas) pranešimas "Spin-orbit coupling in dilute ultracold gases"
Trečiadienį rugsėjo 17 dieną 11 val. VU Konfucijaus instituto salėje, Goštauto 12, 432 k. įvyks Jungtinis teorinis seminaras.
Daniel Campbell (Marylando universitetas) skaitys pranešimą
"Spin-orbit coupling in dilute ultracold gases"
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Pranešimo santrauka:
Dilute ultracold (and neutral) gases refers to a class of materials invented in the 1990’s which has “no” defects (in the usual sense of a block of metal with impurities, strain etc). Here, by dilute we mean that atoms are spaced so far apart that only long-range London forces play a role in atomic interactions. And by ultracold we indicate Bose or Fermi (quantum) statistics is necessary to describe the single-particle distribution of atoms in this material. The additional consequence of this ultra low temperature is that, while there is only one type of interaction between atoms in the material, this interaction is quite strong. We introduce an ultracold Bosonic gas, a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of 87Rb, that has a momentum dependent coupling between ground states with spin symmetry. We call such a system spin-orbit coupled. The spin-orbit coupling relaxes the orthogonality of the spin-like ground states of the BEC and establishes a competition between kinetic and light shift-induced terms in the Hamiltonian. We explore the phase space of this novel material.
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